Respite Services
Catkins Kids Camps
If you’re looking for a fun, immersive, and supported experience for your child living with a developmental disability during the summer months or over March break, check out our Catkins Kids Camp! We offer four free weeks of camp for children under 18 and another week of camps during March Break. Our staff are fully trained and ready to support your loved ones as they get out into the community, make new friends, and learn new skills!
Our camp programming changes every year, but always includes awesome activities such as:
- Swimming
- Outdoor games
- A visit to an escape room
- Trips to Earl Haig Fun Park
- Movie Days
- A Ray’s Reptile Party
- Bowling
- Afternoons at the conservation area
- Cooking classes
- Karaoke dance parties
- Arts and Crafts
Stay tuned for this year’s camp dates!
For more information, contact Brant: 519-758-8228
All Respite Community Programs
Routes Respite Community
Find information on the Routes Respite day-time program for adults.
Learn MoreCatkins Kids Camps
Find information on Catkins March Break and Summer Camps for children and youth.
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