Couples Counselling Services
Intimate Partner Violence
If you are, or have been, in an abusive relationship, you likely know the feeling of being trapped.
Fear, powerlessness, shame, and numbness can be overwhelming. Maybe you believe that you have run out of options. Maybe it seems like moving forward isn’t possible, or that you don’t deserve to.
For many, dealing with the trauma of intimate partner violence can make it difficult to focus on yourself and the things that matter to you most. It can lead to depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and feelings of low self worth.

If you’re feeling like you’ve run out of options, need a safe space to heal, or are struggling to move forward in healthy relationships, you’re not alone.
There is another path for you. At Willowbridge Community Services, we’re proud to offer free counselling services to the survivors of intimate partner violence. Our counsellors can support you as you build a safety plan, begin to identify abusive relationships, rebuild skills for communicating and intimacy, manage anger in healthy ways, and move forward for a better future.
Our agency also offers free therapeutic groups, where women come together for support and learn strategies for healing and growing self esteem.
What is intimate partner violence?
Intimate partner violence is a gendered issue, with more than 80% of reported cases in Canada having been experienced by women, girls, and members of the S2LGBTQ+ community. It can include sexual and physical abuse, emotional abuse, and financial abuse. When an intimate partner, such as someone you’re dating or your spouse, is abusive, you may not always be aware that they are abusing you.
Examples of abusive behaviour include: threats or making you feel afraid for yourself or others; undermining your thoughts and feelings; restricting your movements, finances or isolating you; hurting you by hitting, spitting, pushing or restraining you; or forcing you to participate in unwanted sexual acts.
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how we can help you.
All Counselling Programs
for Couples
Intimate Partner Violence
Get free counselling if you are a
survivor of intimate partner violence.