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Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program

Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program

Willowbridge is proud to be a service delivery site of the Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) program in the province’s West Region (“OSP West”)

OSP provides access to free, evidence-based psychotherapy for individuals 18+ with mild-moderate depression, anxiety and anxiety-related concerns.

If you would like to learn more about OSP and register for the services they offer , click here: OSP Self-Referral

OSP Overview

OSP provides short-term counselling services focused on a particular problem or goal using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The program has a variety of different treatment options to best meet your needs. Many clients will begin with service that combine self-led strategies, such as the BounceBack program which provides guided workbooks, with support from a coach by telephone. Additional services include structured group or one-on-one therapy delivered virtually or in person.

Topics Addressed:

  • Depression and low mood
  • Generalized anxiety and worry
  • Social anxiety and performance fears
  • Unexpected panic attacks and agoraphobic fears
  • Health anxiety
  • Obsessive-Compulsive concerns
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Specific fears
  • Other anxiety- and stress-related problems (e.g. work stress, test anxiety)

More About OSP West

OSP West accepts referrals from healthcare providers, community-based agencies and self-referrals from potential clients. To learn more and access referral forms, visit Healthcare providers using the Ocean eReferral Network can make a referral by searching for “OSP West”.
