Individual Counselling Services
Body Image/Eating Disorders
When you’re constantly worried about the way you look, it can make it difficult to lead a full life. Things like going to the beach, going on dates, public speaking, or even attending classes and events can be a painful ordeal if you spend the time thinking about how other people see you. Eating disorders are one way that having a negative body image can manifest. Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating Disorder are all ways that individuals attempt to exercise control over both their bodies and the events that they may be coping with in their daily lives.

Many people believe that making changes – like losing or gaining weight, building muscle, or even having surgery – will make them feel better.
However, most body image issues and eating disorders are linked to negative experiences and unprocessed emotions. At Willowbridge, our counsellors can support you to focus on the root causes behind your behaviours and thoughts. We believe everyone has the strength to overcome the experiences that have been holding them back. Find out how our trauma-informed approach to cognitive behavioral therapy can support you to create real change.